Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Philology. Journalism

ISSN 1817-7115 (Print)
ISSN 2541-898X (Online)

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E. G. Polonskaya and K. A. Fedin: To the history of the relationship

Grigoryeva Maria V., State Museum of K. A. Fedin

The article analyzes the correspondence of E. G. Polonskaya and K. A. Fedin, members of the literary group Serapion Brothers, formed in Petrograd in 1921. The short but bright period of the existence of the association is still of interest to many researchers. Particularly relevant is the study of documentary sources, which make it possible to fi ll in the factual gaps in the history of both the Serapion fraternity itself and the relationships of its individual members. The author of the article draws on previously unpublished materials from the archive of K. A. Fedin and on their basis considers how the theme of Serapion is refl ected in the epistolary of Polonskaya and Fedin of 1925–1968. Of a particular interest is Polonskaya’s letter of 1925: written during the active work of Serapion Brothers, it refl ects the current view of the author on the events of the literary life of the 1920s. The bulk of the correspondence covers the period of the late 1950s – early 1960s. At this time, Polonskaya begins to work on her memoirs, some of which she dedicates to the Serapion Brothers: Konstantin Fedin and Mikhail Zoshchenko. She fi rst publishes them in 1963 in the Academic Proceedings of the Tartu State University. The manuscript sent to Fedin for review before publication becomes for the correspondents the starting point of a conversation about the uniqueness of the memoir genre, about the revival of interest in the Serapions, and about future research. The recurring theme of all letters is the feeling of belonging to the Serapion fraternity, friendly support over the years and the signifi cance of this for each of them.


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