Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1817-7115 (Print)
ISSN 2541-898X (Online)


The representation of childhood in the autobiographical narrative structure (F.-R. de Chateaubriand and George Sand)

The article considers the theme of childhood and the specific features of its representation in the Mémoires d’outre-tombe by F. R. de Chateaubriand and Histoire de ma vie by Georges Sand. Childhood is seen as an integral structural element of the self-narrative, the artistic concept of which is formed in the context of the era and the existing literary tradition.

German Environment of N. V. Gogol as a Pupil

The article considers Gogol’s letters of his school years in which the German topic is mentioned, as well as contemporaries’ reminiscences complementing the picture with the biographical facts of the future author.

Yury Buida’s novel «Thief, Spy, and Murderer»: Between an Autobiography and Fiction

The article addresses the peculiarities of Yu. Buida’s autobiographical novel «Thief, Spy, and Murderer». The author arrives at the conclusion that the genre of this novel synthesizes the features of an autobiography, memoirs, artistic commentaries, thus becoming a kind of an artistic prism through which the main regularities of Buida’s artistic world are refracted.

Cardinal de Retz and Niccolo Machiavelli’s Ideas (Based on Memoir)

The author considers how Nicollo Machiavelli’s ideas influenced Cardinal de Retz as the hero and the creator of the Memoirs (published in 1717). The author reveals the discrepancy between the memoir-writer’s proclaimed anti-Machiavellianism and his adoption of the ideas of the treatise Sovereign (1532). This discrepancy manifests itself on the level of the judgments and evaluations of the narrator, figures of speech, concept of the autobiographic hero.


The article deals with problems of terminological unity, forms and boundaries of «memoir» genre in modern literary criticism on the example of F. M. Dostoevsky’s works. A lot of his letters, «Writer’s Diary», and also many fragments of his novels are closely related to memoir genre. Thus the laws of memoir narration are revealed in these parts of Dostoevsky’s literary heritage different in genre nature, but entering the original interaction with their own genre’s principles. 


«Bravely Shall I Go Down to Eternity»

The article deals with the theme of death in «Les mémoires d’outre-tombe» by F-R. de Chateaubriand in the light of his concept of life, religious beliefs and tradition of autobiographical narrative in French Romantic prose

The History of A.A. Fet’s «My Memoirs»: the Draft Plan

The article presents to scholarly attention a manuscript by A.A. Fet – the first draft of the poet’s memoirs and offers a commentary to the publication of the text.

N.A. Polevoy in «My Literary and Moral Wanderings» by A.A. Grigoryev

The article belongs to a series of articles entitled «The portrait of N.A. Polevoy in literary memoirs of the 1850-s – early 1860-s», already published by different scholarly publications. Well-known memoirs from the period, together with criticism by Gerzen, Chernyshevsky, and Druzhinin, constitute a new literary-historical context which enabled a mid-XIX-th century reassessment of the previous thirty years of Russian literary history

Labour, spirituality, courage

A peer-reviewed two-volume book of the memoirs was written by a person passionate about his work. Real, genuine speech is heard here, giving away both a Moscovite, a scientist, and a personality with a magnificent sarcastic flair. The memoirs of V. S. Veselovskiy Problems of Our Life are one of the most informative, noticeable and interesting publications of this kind in the 21st century Russia, and they should be included in the mandatory reading list for the students of humanities.

The memoirs of B. F. Egorov: Principles of the genre

B. F . Egorov is a philologist and a scientist whose creative work is closely related to Saratov University; he- attached great importance to diaries and memoirs as the most important sources for the reconstruction not only of historic events, but of the revival of spiritual biography of entire generations. The article analyzes the genre principles of B. F. Egorov’s memoirs.
