Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1817-7115 (Print)
ISSN 2541-898X (Online)

комический эффект

Прецедентные феномены как средства создания комического эффекта в смеховой литературе средневековой Германии (на материале образов животных)

В статье исследуется роль прецедентных феноменов в создании комического эффекта в смеховой литературе средневековой Германии. В качестве материала исследования использованы следующие произведения: «Корабль дураков» (das narren schyff, XV в.) Себастиана Бранта, «Обманутый муж» (der verkêrte wirt, XIII в.) Герранта фон Вильдони, «Поп Амис» (der pfaffe Ameis, XIII в.) Штрикера.

Gastronomic accounts of the Ancient Rome in the poem Dinner by V. S. Filimonov (1837)

The article considers Dinner by V. S. Filimonov (1837) as a literary and gastronomic poem. The dishes mentioned by the poet are not only of practical use, they are incorporated into the system of literary relationships, and become a source of intertextual connections and allusions. V. S. Filimonov’s characters taste not only and not so much the dishes and drinks served; they rather taste life itself: over dinner they satisfy their hunger of long-expected meetings with true friends, have polemic conversations, relish literary novelties.

Intertextual elements as a means of creating a comic effect (based on the 17th century Russian satires)

This study aims to determine the role of intertextual elements in creating a comic effect in the 17th century Russian satires. Two novels representing the humorous literature of the 17th century Russia serve as the material of the research: The Tale of Drunkard and The Tale of the Peasant’s Son. Medieval culture is based on Christianity with the biblical text at its core.