Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1817-7115 (Print)
ISSN 2541-898X (Online)


Emil Ludwig’s Works in Critical Reception

The article is dedicated to the biography and the reception history of the works of the famous in the 1920-1930 german biographer E. Ludwig by the public and the critics.

Literary criticism on «Ronald Knox»

The article offers an analysis of literary critics’ attitude towards Evelyn Waugh’s biography «Ronald Knox» as well as reasons for it being unsuccessful among its contemporaries.

The City and the Visionaries in the Works by P. Ackroyd

This article explores the image of London in the works of London artist-visionaries – the subjects of Peter Ackroyd’s biographies. The goal is to trace the evolution of the city image in the course of the English literature development from XIV th to XXth centuries.

Biographical t ext in Literature and Cinema: ‘A Room and a h alf’ of J. Brodsky and A. Khrzhanovsky

The article considers the techniques of translating a biographical text into the language of the cinema which have been used by the director A. Khrzhanovsky in the film A Room and a Half. Visual and textual quotes from the poet’s essays, interviews and poems have been analyzed, as well as the contemporaries’ reminiscences.

The History of A.A. Fet’s «My Memoirs»: the Draft Plan

The article presents to scholarly attention a manuscript by A.A. Fet – the first draft of the poet’s memoirs and offers a commentary to the publication of the text.

Nicholai Chernyshevsky: Towards 180-th Anniversary

The article offers a contemporary view of Chernyshevsky’s biography and work, bringing in some understudied materials.

A. P. Platonov and children’s reading in the beginning of the 20th century: Sources, genres, names, themes

The article examines the reading of a child at the beginning of the twentieth century in connection with the question of its influence on the world of childhood in the work of A. Platonov. The study of the pre-revolutionary reading of children is of historical and literary interest, it can help in identifying specific texts from the early reading of the writer, in defining traditions that influenced the world of childhood in Platonov’s prose and shaped it, the genesis of children’s images, and the search for allusions.

Chekhov by B. K. Zaitsev: The author’s concept and composition of ‘biography’

The article analyzes the book by B.K Zaitsev Chekhov (1954) as a novelized biography, a ‘life story’. The author’s concept and composition of the book, consisting of 15 chapters with titles, 54 subchapters / fragments, are given a special emphasis; the artistic meanings and originality of the narrative of a complete biography are considered.