Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1817-7115 (Print)
ISSN 2541-898X (Online)

Саратовский диалектологический корпус

Вариативность жанра автобиографического рассказа в диалектной и литературно-разговорной речи (на материале Саратовского диалектологического корпуса)

В статье рассматривается специфика функционирования жанра автобиографического рассказа в диалектной и литературно-разговорной речи. Исследование проводится на материале Саратовского диалектного корпуса (СаРДК) и диктофонных записей носителей литературного языка соответствующей возрастной группы.

Actualization of linguistic and cultural codes in dialect discourse

The article considers special features of actualizing linguistic and cultural codes in a dialect discourse on the material of two subcorpora of the Saratov dialectological corpus (the dialect of the village of Belogornoye and the dialect of the village of Zemlyanye Khutora). Verbalization methods of traditional, Soviet and cultural codes, as well as possibilities of their interaction and simultaneous implementation in the speech of dialect speakers are shown.

A historical event in the structure of a dialect text

The article considers a frame ‘a historical event’ being actualized in the dialect discourse on the material of two sub-corpora of Saratov dialectological corpus. The frame structure is established, the slots making up this frame are identified, the degree of their filling-up is analyzed. The author puts special emphasis on the influence of extra-linguistic factors that determine the frame conceptualization.