Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1817-7115 (Print)
ISSN 2541-898X (Online)


The folklore and mythological basis of the women’s quest in the Russian-language fantasy novel: To the statement of the problem

In the history of culture and literature, women have always played an important role. Numerous myths, folklore and literary works show the importance of female characters in the content, functional and artistic solution of various problems. In recent decades, attention to the “women’s issue” has certainly increased: representatives of various scientific disciplines are trying to identify the essence of the phenomenon of “true femininity”. In popular literature, a new type of heroine is being formed – a girl undergoing her own set of challenges (quest).

The confrontation of savageness and civilization in Joe Abercrombie’s fantasy Western Red Country

In the novel Red Country the famous British author Joe Abercrombie carries out a genre experiment combining in one book the features of such distant and incongruous genres as fantasy and Western. He constructs in his imaginary world a territory with all specific characteristics of a Western chronotopos and actively uses typical plot devices of the Western. But on the level of ideas the plot of Red Country comes into a conflict with the basic values of the Western, instilling the clichés borrowed from this genre with a unique author’s meaning.

Books about Books in Fantasy Literature

The article contains the analysis of German children’s and young adult fantasy authors sharing a common interest to books as an important plot device. The focus of interest is on a considerable number of common themes, problems, character types and values that appear in the works of all the three authors, which allows to offer for these works such catch-all terms as ‘book text’ and ‘books about books’, and consider them as parts of a unique trend in German fantasy literature.

Comparative Analysis of People’s Names’ Translation in the Modelling of Magic Worldview in Fantasy Literature

The article focuses on the special features of fantasy literature and points out the difficulties of translating the texts of such genre. The comparative analysis of people’s names’ translation is implemented on the example of two variants of translation of one literary work. The article also introduces the frequency statistics of translation strategies, techniques and transformations used to transfer the author’s magic worldview into its translation counterpart.

The translation of folklore and mythic names in magic worldview modelling in fantasy literature (Based on J. K. Rowling’s series of novels Harry Potter and their translations into russian)

The research focuses on fantasy literature peculiarities and points out the difficulties of translating the texts of such genre. The comparative analysis of folklore and mythical names translation is implemented as illustrated by two variants of translation of the literary work.

Transformation of the Concept ‘Hero’ in Joe Abercrombie’s Works

Based on myths, epic, romance and adventure literature, classical fantasy books often depicted their heroes as warriors physically fighting evil. Nowadays the British writer Joe Abercrombie, whose works belong to the so-called grimdarkfantasy, depicts wars questioning the value of violent heroic deeds and the concept of a ‘hero’ itself.

The place of linguistics in modern sci-fi and fantasy studies

The article analyzes the most significant foreign studies of sci-fi and fantasy in order to define the place of linguistics in this sphere of research, to highlight relevant linguistic problems that require further research. Two main development directions of linguistic studies are emphasized, and the necessity of the further specifically linguistic study of certain problems is established.