Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1817-7115 (Print)
ISSN 2541-898X (Online)


Modelling Cognitive Contexts of Verbal Irony (on the Material of the Russian and English Languages)

The research represented in the article focuses on the modelling of the process of ironic meaning construction. The modelling is realized in the form of hierarchically organized mental spaces. These are cognitive contexts that provide comprehension of irony.

Ironic Epic Style of Fazil Iskander: Peculiarities of Idiostyle

Stylistic tendencies typical for F. Iskander’s idiostyle are analyzed: epic narration and ironic modality. External and internal characteristics of narrative as well as different degrees and types of irony are considered.

L. Dobychin’s ‘Acquisition of Prospects’ and Yu. Tynyanov’s ‘System Change’ as the Elements of Post-modernism Aesthetics

The article considers the peculiarity of L. Dobychin’s narrative strategy on the example of the novel The Town of N; the author points out the significance of Yu. Tynyanov’s theoretic and methodological ideas for the modern research of post-modernist aesthetics.

Text-forming Irony in Les Mots by J.-P. Sartre

The article considers the text-forming irony as a way to express philosophical ideas, as a psychotherapeutic tool, allowing the author to work out his negative experience and as a means of meta-reflection on the text in ‘Les Mots’ by J.-P. Sartre.

Genre and Thematic Diversification of Late Novels by Jules Verne

The article considers posthumous novels by Jules Verne only recently published in the original author’s versions. Despite the abundance of genre models, themes and intonations, they constitute a certain unity. Motives and characters, well known to the readers of Verne’s‘classical’ works, mix well with original narrative solutions.

Fact, Pathos, Reader in their Interrelation

The article analyzes the triad fact – pathos – reader from the point of view of how the emotional connotation of the factual foundation of the text impacts the reader. Two texts by M. Gorky are considered; both of them recreate the same event – A. P. Chekhov’s funeral. One of them is imbued with the pathos of invective, the other – with the pathos of irony. Form and content elements of the text affecting the readers’ perception of this text are described.

Non-hunters on a Hunt. Features of the artistic world of K. V. Thorzhevsky

The article analyzes the work of the understudied writer of the 19th century, Korneliy Vladislavovich Thorzhevsky, in particular, the poetics of the author’s unique colorful sketches from military life, short stories, novellas, essays is considered on the example of the story The Non-Hunters on a Hunt. The aim of the research is to fi nd an answer to the question about the place of the writer K. V. Tkhorzhevsky in the literary process, about the peculiarities of his author’s style, the originality of the poetics of his artistic heritage.