Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1817-7115 (Print)
ISSN 2541-898X (Online)


Old Russian Feeble-Mindedness Phenomenon in the Fiction Space of the Novel «Yuri Miloslavsky, or Russians in 1612» by M.N. Zagoskin

The 17-th century is the Time of trouble and the age of feeble-mindedness flourishing in Russia. Composing the first Russian historical novel M.N. Zagoskin could not help bringing the figure of Christian associate in the narration. The article shows ways of interpretation of some episodes with the «God’s fool» using Scriptural passages.

The Image of Warrior in I. I. Kozlov’s Lyrics and Its Folklore Variants in the Context of Poems about Napoleonic Wars

The article is devoted to the identification of originality of I. I. Kozlov’s battle lyrics in the context of poems on Napoleonic wars. Particular attention is paid to the image of warrior.

the Future-in-the-Past: Post-Soviet Dystopia

Post-Soviet dystopia’s construction of the future out of the national past is analyzed as culturally-conditioned complex reaction to utopian temporality of the method of Socialist realism and treatment of time in folklore.

The Image of an Enemy in Humorous Rhymes Dedicated to WWII (Based on Tver Region Archives)

In the article the image of an enemy in humorous rhymes dedicated to WWII is analyzed. The central theme is the image of Adolf Hitler. In the conclusions the enemy image is shown as an archaic one. The sphere of humorous rhymes existence is shown. The article is based on the archive materials from the expeditions to Tver region.

Specific Character of Variation of I. I. Kozlov’s Romance Insane in its Folklore Form

The article is dedicated to the identification of the specific character of variation of I. I. Kozlov’s romance Insane in its folklore form. The analysis was made mainly on the basis of archival materials.

The Work of J.-B. Almeida Garrett: the Portuguese Nation’s Self-identification Crisis and an Attempt to Overcome It

The present article analyzes J.-B. Almeida Garrett’s work as an attempt to create a Portuguese national myth. The author points out that the writer, criticizing the present he lives in, tries to revive the past by the means of the country’s history and national folklore where he finds irreproachable examples to be followed.

The Fantastic in The Tale of Igor’s Campaign Content

The article regards how the fantastic constituent is revealed on the plot, composition, and image levels of the text of The Tale of Igor’s Campaign.

Interdisciplinary Links in Studying the Songs of Literary Origin

The article is dedicated to the analysis of T. M. Akimova’s works on the study of the songs of literary origin. The author acknowledges the methodological line in them, which can be traced to the founder of Saratov philological school A. P. Skaftymov.

The Image of the Sky in Siberian Stories and Essays of V. G. Korolenko

The article considers the image of the sky as a key element of the verbal landscape of V. G. Korolenko’s Siberian cycle of stories and essays. Its main functional features defining plot and compositional integrity of the works, folk-mythological origins of components of the figurative system of landscape paintings and artistic potential of ‘celestial’ symbols are identified.
