Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1817-7115 (Print)
ISSN 2541-898X (Online)


COVID-19 Pandemic in the media mirror: The issue of media influence

This article deals with the study and analysis of the role of media as a tool for influencing mass consciousness during the COVID-19 pandemic. Media researchers attempted to analyze the extent of media’s impact on recipients’ decisions, such as vaccine refusal, non-compliance with quarantine measures, and violation of other restrictions imposed during the global health crisis. One of the reasons for the destructive behavior of citizens in different countries was the infodemic – the oversaturation of the global media landscape with unreliable and unverified information.

Otherness of individual existence in the context of fake reality

The article considers the phenomenon of fake and its infl uence on the individual existence of a person. In circumstances where public opinion is entirely manipulated, the freedom of thought is constrained. Overwhelmed by the excessive infl ux of information, an individual gradually loses the capacity to distinguish between what is true and false.