Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1817-7115 (Print)
ISSN 2541-898X (Online)


Old Russian Feeble-Mindedness Phenomenon in the Fiction Space of the Novel «Yuri Miloslavsky, or Russians in 1612» by M.N. Zagoskin

The 17-th century is the Time of trouble and the age of feeble-mindedness flourishing in Russia. Composing the first Russian historical novel M.N. Zagoskin could not help bringing the figure of Christian associate in the narration. The article shows ways of interpretation of some episodes with the «God’s fool» using Scriptural passages.

«Foolish for Myth’s Sake»: to the Problem of Personal and Creative Strategy of V. V. Rozanov

In the article the concept of «foolishness for Christ’s sake» is analyzed in the light of socio-cultural tendencies of the beginning of the XXth century. The legitimacy of regarding V. V. Rozanov as one the «foolish» of his time is established. The fact is that Rozanov’s «foolishness» was defined by a behavioural stereotype of the beginning of the XXth century culture according to which he «was creating» a personal myth.