Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1817-7115 (Print)
ISSN 2541-898X (Online)

синхронно-диахронный анализ

Synchronous-diachronic analysis of the thematic group “Supernatural beings in religious cultures” (on the material of the Russian language)

The study deals with the synchronous-diachronic analysis of the thematic group “Supernatural beings in religious cultures”, formed on the basis of Semantic dictionary edited by N. Y. Shvedova and including lexical units denoting the names of God and the Mother of God; angels and saints; persons with magical abilities performing occult actions; evil forces hostile to man; animal characters in religious cultures.

IX International Scientific Seminar “The Development of the Word-Formation and Lexical System of the Russian Language”

 The article is an overview of the two-day sessions of the IX International Scientifi c Seminar “The Development of the Word-Formation and Lexical System of the Russian language”, which was held at Saratov State University on October 30–31, 2023. The seminar was attended by derivatologists from Saratov, Moscow, Volgograd, Nizhny Novgorod, Kazan, Donetsk, Samara, Tambov, as well as from Kazakhstan. The seminar has existed on the basis of the SSU since 2008, and it is superintended by O. Yu. Kryuchkova and O. I. Dmitrieva.

IX Международный научный семинар "Развитие словообразовательной и лексической системы русского языка"

Статья представляет собой обзор двухдневных заседаний IX Международного научного семинара «Развитие словообразовательной и лексической системы русского языка», который проходил в Саратовском государственном университете имени Н.Г. Чернышевского 30-31 октября 2023 года. В работе семинара приняли участие дериватологи из Саратова, Москвы, Волгограда, Нижнего Новгорода, Казани, Донецка, Самары, а также из Казахстана. Семинар существует на базе СГУ с 2008 года, и руководят его работой О.Ю. Крючкова и О.И. Дмитриева.

The Dynamics of the Semantic and Word-formation Subsystems: the Word-family with the Stem -ид- (go) in the XI–XVIIth Centuries

The article traces the dynamics of how the word-formation family of words of the movement verb go was formed during seven centuries; characteristic features of its evolution are identified. The most typical word-formation models for the verb word-family are singled out, as well as exceptional word-formation models; the author researches the morphological content of the word-family, semantics of the derivatives and their genre and stylistic peculiarities.