Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1817-7115 (Print)
ISSN 2541-898X (Online)


Telescoping as a specific type of word formation in modern English (based on Internet resources)

The article studies an unusual type of shortening known in English linguistics as telescope words. It is well known that Lewis Carroll was the first to introduce this new type of shortening and defined it using the term telescope words. It was one of his purposes to create a pun. Later this type of word formation proved to be highly productive in the English language. Some linguists suggest that this phenomenon is based on an incidental slip of the tongue and blending of one or two sounds of the full prototype’s clipped components in free speech.

The role of intralinguistic factors in recreating stylistic equivalents in literary translation (exemplified by American fiction)

The paper proposes viewing intralinguistic factors inherent in the source and target languages as strictly given organized systems, being effective means in recreating the original’s various stylistic peculiarities in its translated version and in attaining its stylistic equivalence.

Linguostylistic Peculiarities of Social Advertising (a Case Study of the German Media)

The paper describes the most common linguistic and stylistic devices (precedent phenomena, pun, metaphor, syntactical expressive means, etc.) used in German social advertising. These devices have a great potential to make the advertising communication more expressive and effective.