Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1817-7115 (Print)
ISSN 2541-898X (Online)

художественный текст

Предмет в художественном тексте (на материале прозы Ф. Искандера)

В статье рассматривается категория предметности в художественном тексте в понимании А.П. Чудакова на материале прозы Ф. Искандера, в которой художественный предмет принципиально значим и является важным элементом индивидуального стиля писателя. Для анализа из всего предметного множества прозы Искандера выбраны только ключевые предметы. Это, как и ключевые слова, во-первых, наиболее частотные элементы, во-вторых, элементы, имеющие, кроме основного, дополнительное символическое значение, формируемое автором. Ключевые предметы по характеру и функциям образуют две группы.

Text explication of the concept “Cruelty” in the novel by Pavel Nilin

The text explication of the key and title concept of Pavel Nilin’s novel Cruelty is considered in the article. The place of this mental formation in the linguistic and cognitive picture of the world is very important, despite the differences in the approaches of different scientists to its understanding. Cruelty is equated with aggression and violence in most social sciences (psychology, philosophy, sociology).

On the Metasemiotic Approach to the Analysis of Fiction

The article gives a brief note on the origin of the semiotic trend in linguistic research. Theoretical prerequisites of the metasemiotic approach to the analysis of literary texts are specified. The author offers a possible paradigmatic concept of the metasemiotic analysis based on equivalent but different meanings, as well as on the antonymic oppositions on the material of a literary text.

Modules of Aesthetic Cognition and Deictic Field of Text

The article attempts a comparison between the modular structure of aesthetic cognition and text’s morphological characteristics, their interpretation in the aspect of style formation. The constructive parameter of text expressed in grammar is taken to be the category of deixis, expressed linguistically and aesthetically. Elements of hierarchically organized deictic field can serve as tools in reconstruction of text’s meaning, as demonstrated by interpretation of «The Gift» by V. Nabokov