Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1817-7115 (Print)
ISSN 2541-898X (Online)

Literary criticism

A Dialogue in F. M. Grimm’s Correspondence with N. P. and S. P. Rumyantsev: between the Intimate and the Private

The article analyzes different aspects of the epistolary interaction in F. M. Grimm’s correspondence with N. P. and S. P. Rumyantsev, the dialogue role in the written communication and the impact of the courteous tradition on the development of the intimate principle in a pri vate correspondence which facilitated the genre evolution at the turn of the XVIII–XIXth centuries.

A Miracle in the Old Russian Military Novels of the XIV–XVth Centuries

The article reveals the artistic meaning and functions of the miracle in two Old Russian military novels: Chronicle Novel on the Kulikovo field and Novel on the Stand on the Ugra River.

Postmodernist or Neorealist? Literary Criticism of the 1990s of A. Slapovsky’s Oeuvre

A. Slapovsky’s prose cannot fit the clearly defined frame the critics and literary scholars try to set. The article considers their attempts to characterize the writer’s oeuvre, special emphasis is placed on the arguments about the author belonging to the postmodern or neorealist movements.

Culture as a Value in D. Markson’s Novel Wittgenstein’s Mistress

The problem of culture and its purpose is the focal point in the ideology of Wittgenstein’s Mistress, D. Markson’s philosophical novel. The main character overcomes her initial pragmatic approach to culture as a sequence of objective facts in L. Wittgenstein’s manner, and heads towards the discovery of its spiritual significance that helps one to realize oneself as M. Heidegger’s Dasein.

Medical Motives in the Early Stories by A. P. Chekhov as a Reflection of his Medical Practice

The article presents a systematic analysis of A. P. Chekhov’s early stories (1880–1884) in which the topic of medicine in the contemporary society is featured, as well as the images of doctors and patients, motives of illness and treatment. It is shown how Chekhov’s personal experience as a general practitioner influenced the problem range and poetics of the stories with this topic. Their genre and idea evolution has been traced in the author’s movement towards maturity.

To the Problem of Literary Critical Method of K. N. Leontiev (Retracted 11/04/2022)

The article touches upon the socio-political views of K. N. Leontiev in their interrelation; it is shown how the viewpoint of the researcher is reflected in the modern literary criticism. It is pointed out that modern research literature does not have a consistent theory of the text interpretation method.

On the Pedagogical Views and Beliefs of A. K. Sheller-Mikhailov

Ever inclined to teach and preach in literature as well as in life, this famous Russian writer of the 1860-1890s A. K. Sheller-Mikhailov in his fiction and scientific journalism works increasingly focused on the issues of labor and moral education, on the personality formation; he was invariably concerned about crucial problems of pedagogic ethics, about the relationships between school-masters and their charges.

To the Story of Anna Karenina. Parody as a Precedent Text

It is generally known that the novel of Leo Tolstoy Anna Karenina is connected with the unfinished work of Mikhail Saltykov Blagonamerennaya povest’ (The loyal story), which was dedicated to the criticism of ‘natural’ motivation of human’s social life. However, already in 1863 Saltykov published a text which looked like a parody of a typical Leo Tolstoy hero portrait and like a precedent text with regard to the portrait of Anna Karenina.

The Border between Reality and Fantasy in the Works of N. V. Gogol and V. I. Dal

The article highlights the ways of more detailed comparison of the dual reality motif in the creative systems of Nikolay Gogol and Vladimir Dal. The key conclusions are made on the basis of the plot line and composition peculiarities of the texts, folklore symbolism and parallel review of the characters.

Interdisciplinary Links in Studying the Songs of Literary Origin

The article is dedicated to the analysis of T. M. Akimova’s works on the study of the songs of literary origin. The author acknowledges the methodological line in them, which can be traced to the founder of Saratov philological school A. P. Skaftymov.
