Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1817-7115 (Print)
ISSN 2541-898X (Online)

Literary criticism

‘Two Masks’ of Ioann Antonovich in Viktor Sosnora’s Essay: Principles of the Author’s Interpretation of Historic and Historiographic Sources

The article considers different techniques of constructing the image of Ioann Antonovich in V. Sosnora’s essay Two Masks. The article mainly analyzes the principles of how the author transforms historic and historiographic sources, presented by the works of the second half of the 19th century scientists V. A. Bilbasov and S. N. Shubinsky.

Teleological Quality of A. I. Solzhenitsyn’s Creative Method in the Novel Cancer Ward

The article considers the teleological structure of A. I. Solzhenitsyn’s novel Cancer Ward. The combination of the social teleology polemic towards the Soviet novel and the transcendental teleology is analyzed on the level of the system of images-worldviews, on the levels of composition and language.

N. Ognev in the Literary Life of the 1930s

In the 1930s N. Ognev, the author of Kostya Ryabtsev’s Diary, takes part in the activities of the Union of Writers, reviews the manuscripts of emerging authors, hosts a literary club, develops ideas on how to restructure the work of the writers’ union. In the records and marginal notes a didactic intonation is discernible. For the first time the materials of N. Ognev’s archive are introduced into scientific discourse.

A. P. Platonov`s Work For The Cinema in 1927–1930

The article considers the history of A. P. Platonov’s screenwriting in 1927–1930s, the writer’s relationships with the leading cinema organizations of those times; for the first time new archive documents and materials of cinematic publications related to Platonov’s screenplays are introduced into scientific discourse.

“Ode to Salmon” and “Herring Praise”: On Metaphysical Roots of Still Life in the Works of N. Zabolotsky

The article considers the problem of realization of the sacred sense in verbal and pictorial still lifes. The affinity of the creative method of the 16th–17th century Dutch painters and that of N. Zabolotsky of the Columns period is shown, this method being based on a special spiritual and aesthetic feeling of the world. With the help of this method, a kind of spiritual and semantic metathesis is carried out: the profane becomes sacred, and the sacred is profaned, but the primary meanings shine through the outer shell of the work.

The Problem of Cyclization in Love Lyrics of Mandelstam (In the Poems Dedicated to Olga Vaksel)

The article gives an overview of the uncollected love cycles of O. Mandelstam. The emphasis is placed on such problems of studying them as determining the addressee and the composition, analyzing their artistic integrity. A more detailed analysis of the semantic structure of the cycle dedicated to Olga Vaksel is given.

E. Zola and F. Sologub: To the Issue of the Sources of Collisions and Techniques in the Novel by F. Sologub The Petty Demon

The object the article is to study the parallels between E. Zola’s novel La Curee and F. Sologub’s novel The Petty Demon. In the author’s opinion the similiarity of the plot collisions and techniques of depicting a person’s unity with the ‘environment’, which characterize the two novels’ poetics, is indicative of the unquestionable impact of the naturalist writer’s creative experience on Sologub’s seeking.

“Breaking Heart to the Time of Laughter”: Sentimental and Comic Image of the Blacks in American Literature and Culture of the 18th – the Beginning of the 20th Century

The paper considers the bipolar racial model representing African Americans in tragic and / or comic modality in American literature and culture (18th – the beginning of the 20th century). This model was formed in the 18th – beginning 19th century, continued to exist in American abolitionist writings, minstrelsy and plantation novel during the 19th century; having been absorbed by the Black American literary tradition, it underwent a considerable change especially in the Harlem Renaissance period.

N. V. Gogol and I. A. Krylov in 1830–1835

The article studies the history of N. V. Gogol and I. A. Krylov’s acquaintance in St. Petersburg. Based on a wide range of literary sources it is attempted to identify their relationship in 1830–1835.

P. I. Bartenev and P. V. Annenkov Working on the Materials for A. S. Pushkin’s Biography

The article discusses how Pushkin studies emerged in 1851–1855, their Moscow and St. Petersburg schools, P. I. Bartenev and P. V. Annenkov’s work on the materials for A. S. Pushkin’s biography. The article reveals the underpinning of the two Pushkin scholars’ creative ‘competition’ (Bartenev was ahead of Annenkov in publishing his scientific work and making O. S. Pavlischeva’s information about the poet public) in writing an ‘exemplary biography’ of Pushkin.
