On the Problem of the Role of Scientific Biography: the Scandinavian Period of R. Jacobson
The articles touches upon the problems concerning a renown American researcher R. Jacobson’s scientific interests which were important during his stay in Denmark, Norway, Sweden, and recreates historical and linguistic context in which his works appeared.
1 J. Vachek, The Linguistic School of Prague. Bloomington, 1966. P. 138.
2 Jacobson R. on the caesian verse mainly in comparison with Russian // Collection on the theory of poetic language, V. Berlin; Moscow, 1923.
3 Brûndal V. Ordklasserne, partes orationis. Studies over de sproglige kategorier. Copenhagen, 1928.
4 Jakobson, R. Selected works. M., 1985.
5 Ibid. P. 115.
6 Bulletin du Cercle Linguistique de Copenhague. Copenhague, 1938. V. III.
7 R. Jakobson, Selected Writings, I Phonological Studies, 1971, P. 280-310.
8 Jakobson, R. The Decree. Op.
9. Jakobson R. Selected Writings. Phonological Studies. S. l. 1971. P. 323.
10 Jakobson R. Kindersprache, Aphasie und allgemeine Lautgesetze // Spräkvetenskapliga sällskapets; Uppsala Förhandlinar, 1942.
11 Poetik och linguistics. Stockholm, 1974.