Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Philology. Journalism

ISSN 1817-7115 (Print)
ISSN 2541-898X (Online)

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Integrity of the language system in the aspect of the derivative cognition of the world

Mironova Diana M., Southwest State University

The article reveals the integrative qualities of natural language from the perspective of cognitive approach. The purpose of the study is to identify the prerequisites and specifi c illustrations of the language system integrity from the point of view of linguistic and mental interaction. Particular attention is paid to semantic phenomena demonstrating the cognition-driven integrity of the language system. By means of conceptual analysis and descriptive method, the cooperativeness and emergence of linguistic units are defi ned as the main types of integrity that are signifi cant for the appropriate implementation of derivative conceptualization and categorization of the world. The cooperative type of system cohesion in the sphere of derivative phenomena can be traced in the case when, forming a language or speech meaning, the interpretive verbal units function in an ensemble and at the same time specialize in transferring a particular content. This complementary integrity can be revealed in the cooperation of grammatical, grammatical and lexical components as means of language interpretation. Emergent integrity is realized on the level of lexical and grammatical units, their semantics being formed with the participation of the cognitive mechanism of conceptual integration. The semantic integrity of such type is based on a unique entity of concepts and categories, which has a non-summative identity. Based on the reviewed material, it is established that the non-compositionality of the interpretive content is realized at each sign level of the language and has a specifi c expression. The emergent continuity of semantics is considered as a consequence of the creativity of human thinking in the comprehension of the world.


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