Vertical structuring of the word formation fi eld of compound terms (On the material of the Russian and German clinical terminology)
Compound terms correspond to the criteria of compounds to a diff erent degree, which allows the author to consider them as a fuzzy set, structured from the perspective of the fi eld approach. Word formation fi elds of Russian and German clinical compound terms are structured in accordance with the diff erent compliance degree of terms with compound criteria. The research objective is to structure the word formation fi elds of Russian and German compound terms vertically. The research material constitutes samples of 1545 Russian and 2882 German clinical compound terms. In the course of study, the qualitative-quantitative analysis of terms has been carried out and the compounds’ compliance degree with the criteria of the compound words has been established within the interval of [0; 1]. Compounds which fully comply with all criteria form the core of the fi eld. Terms with the compliance degree less than 0,3 are identifi ed as word groups. The interval [0,3; 1) contains word complexes, which belong to the fuzzy composite set to a larger or smaller degree, and which belong to diff erent segments of the fi eld depending on the set of criteria. The results are the following: the core of the fi eld of Russian terms consists of 91,5% of all compounds, the core of the fi eld of German terms – 73,4% of terms. In the circumnuclear area in the fi eld of the Russian terms 2,8% of compounds are located, in the field of the German terms – 23,8% of all compounds. The border-line segment between the core and the periphery of the fi eld of the Russian terms consists of 4,1% of all terms, in the fi eld of the German terms – 2,4% of compounds. The periphery is represented by an insignifi cant number of compounds in both fi elds. The obtained results allow the author to draw the conclusion that the general structure of the fi elds of the Russian and German terms is almost identical (large core segment and small periphery), but some diff erences have been detected; for instance, in the core segment of the fi eld of the Russian terms the core is dominant while in the fi eld of the German terms the circumnuclear area is extensive. Some diff erences are also noted in the structure of the periphery.
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