Borrowings from the traditional argot as a source of the formation of French commun youth argot
The article examines the intralingual borrowings from traditional argot as a key source of the formation of French commun youth argot. The relevance of the article stems from the comprehensive nature of the argotisation of youth speech in France over the last two decades. The research material is the linguistic corpus of youth oral speech Multicultural Paris French (Français Parisien Multiculturel) collected under the supervision of the French linguist F. Gadet. It is the result of the work of 24 researchers who, as of the end of 2019, had interviewed some 230 subjects aged between 12 and 37, living in the Ile-de-France region and in 4 Parisian districts. The analysis examines youth argotisms from the perspective of the parameters of frequency and number of fi xations in argotographic sources. The main stages of the speech research of argotspeaking youth that can be carried out remotely are described. A review of lexicographical sources is realized and the registered lexemes are compared with the results of French unconventional vocabulary fi xation published by Russian and foreign argotographers. At the same time, the newest linguistic phenomenon of the French common youth argot argot commun des jeunes is briefl y presented and its correlation with the French common argot argot commun is described. On the ground of the analysis the author concludes that the lexical fund of the designated reference group is renewed not only through intensive foreign borrowings, but also through intralingual borrowings from the traditional argot which features a persistent trend in the development of the sociolect under study.
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