Images of eccentric characters in Raymond Carver’s short stories (Based on the short-stories from the collection “Will You Please Be Quiet, Please?”)
The article deals with the images of eccentric characters in the short stories “Jerry and Molly and Sam” (1972), “Fat” (1971), “They Are Not Your Husband” (1973), “Neighbors” (1971), “The Idea” (1972) written by an outstanding American writer of the second half of the 20th century R. Carver. The definitions of the concepts of “eccentricity” and “grotesque” are given, the fundamental difference between “eccentric” and the related concepts of “jester” and “rogue” is highlighted, examples of the interpretation of “eccentricity” in the previous literary tradition are given. The selected stories are analyzed and the main features inherent in Carver’s eccentrics, such as passivity, self-deception, substitution of values, following false ideas about future happiness, and others, are highlighted. In his stories, the author again actualizes the problems of loneliness, control, alienation and mutual misunderstanding, traditional for American literature of the 20th century; touches upon the themes of voyeurism, appearance and personality, midlife crisis, invasion of personal space and private property, portrays characters who happen to be victims of broken communication, who make attempts to identify themselves, but invariably fail. The infantile and absurd actions of Carver’s heroes not only hide the mental discord and the tragic inability of an individual to gain control over their own life, but at the same time reflect the general social disorder and spiritual trouble. Thus, the characters in the stories of R. Carver stand on a par with other eccentric heroes of American and world literature, in particular with the grotesque heroes of one of the founders of the modern American short story, S. Anderson.
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