Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1817-7115 (Print)
ISSN 2541-898X (Online)


Svidrigailov’s Nightmares and the Inferno of V. Nabokov’s Hero (on the Transformation of One Plot)

The article considers indirect plot allusions, V. Nabokov’s explicit and disguised references to the topic related to the terrible characters of Dostoyevsky, to the new embodiments of Pushkin’s and Dostoyevsky’s images.

Modules of Aesthetic Cognition and Deictic Field of Text

The article attempts a comparison between the modular structure of aesthetic cognition and text’s morphological characteristics, their interpretation in the aspect of style formation. The constructive parameter of text expressed in grammar is taken to be the category of deixis, expressed linguistically and aesthetically. Elements of hierarchically organized deictic field can serve as tools in reconstruction of text’s meaning, as demonstrated by interpretation of «The Gift» by V. Nabokov

Literary Text as a Diagnosis

The monograph under review is a continuation of the author’s research in the field of visual poetics of the Russian literature. The ‘optics’ proposed in the book allows to see the medical plots of literary texts in a new way, to comprehend aesthetic and existential experience of the disease.

The Fight against Amnesia: Nabokov’s ‘Signs and Symbols’ in the Novel by E. Vodolazkin The Aviator

The article discusses the intertextual connections of Vodolazkin’s novel The Aviator with V. Nabokov’s prose. The article specifically focuses on the function of Nabokov’s intertext in unveiling ideological and philosophical problems: comprehending the phenomenon of time and the creative ability of memory. The role of the word and literature in the struggle against amnesia is considered.

‘Stream of consciousness’ technique: Bergsonian interpretation of psychology in the prose by V. Nabokov

The following article off ers a theoretical interpretation of Nabokov’s aphorism on Joyce’s inner monologues. Nabokov supposed that thinking is extraverbal and cannot be fully embodied in a word. He assumed that James Joyce was wrong to materialize the stream of inner life in a rigid verbal form. For Nabokov, thinking as an uninterrupted continuum of psychological states, should be opposed to the ‘stream of consciousness’ technique and should be moved towards the lyrical synthetism.