Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1817-7115 (Print)
ISSN 2541-898X (Online)

M. Bulgakov

Film adaptations of Mikhail Bulgakov’s works: Literary source and its interpretation

Over the course of more than fifty years, thirteen of M. Bulgakov’s works have been adapted for the screen: The Master and Margarita, Heart of a Dog, Flight, The White Guard, Days of the Turbins, The Fatal Eggs, Morphine, A Young Doctor’s Notebook, The Red Crown, Ivan Vasilievich, A Theatrical Novel, The Crimson Island, and The Last Days. The novel The Master and Margarita holds the record for the most screen adaptations in cinema: twelve films.

Characters outside the opposition ‘one’s own – other’s’ in Bulgakov’s plays of the 1920s: Days of the Turbins, Zoyka’s apartment and Flight

This article studies the functions of the opposition ‘one’s own – other’s’ in the system of characters in M. A. B ulgakov’s plays Days of the Turbins, Zoyka’s Apartment and Flight. A group of characters is singled out, from whose perspective this opposition is not relevant, not significant. Particular attention is paid to their common features. The conclusion is made that the opposition in question is marked in the problems of Bulgakov’s plays of the 1920s.