Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1817-7115 (Print)
ISSN 2541-898X (Online)


Types of Hybridity in Computer-Mediated Communication

The article deals with different types of hybridity as a global category of computer-mediated communication. In the article hybridity is defined as a mixture of orthographical, lexical, syntactical, stylistic, semiotic and genre forms in one linguistic unit (word, sentence or text).

Allusive Background of the Text Paradigms of Meaning in the Novel «Budda’s Return» by G. I. Gazdanov

The article describes textual functions of the key allusions to the Buddist philosophy on the example of the novel «Budda’s Return» by G. I. Gazdanov. These allusions are enhanced by foregrounding interword textual paradigms of meaning (like synonyms, antonyms, species and genus combinations, periphrases, associative and thematic convergence).

N. V. Gogol’s Novel «Overcoat» in the Early Stage of Perception in the English Language Space (on the Translation by C. J. Hogarth)

The article is dedicated to the analysis of the English version of N. V. Gogol’s «Overcoat» that was made by C. J. Hogarth in 1918; some of the main problems that the translators encounter while dealing with the text of the novel are mentioned; the means used for rendering social and national particularities of the text and the plot, Gogol’s narrative technique and reasoning. 


Specific Nature of a Popular Science Text’s Expressiveness from the Point of View of Pragmalinguistics

The article studies how the expressiveness category is structured in a popular science text. Lexical, phraseological and syntactic stylistic means used in the novel in order to enhance expressiveness and reasoning are arranged as a field with the center and periphery.