Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1817-7115 (Print)
ISSN 2541-898X (Online)


Arkadina’s Roles in A. P. Chekhov’s Comedy The Seagull

The article considers the image of I. N. Arkadina from the point of view of the acting phenomenon. An actress not only by her profession, but throughout her life, Arkadina constantly changes types, acts a part, does everything ostentatiously, which other «non-theatrical» characters behaving naturally put into even sharper relief.

Representing Judicial Power in the Russian and English Printed Media Discourse: Activation Strategy

The author examines discursive means of framing the judiciary system image that actualizes the activation strategy. The paper focuses on two variants of this strategy: positive and negative ones constructing a positive or a negative image of judicial power respectively.

F. M. Dostoyevsky’s ‘Insulted and Humiliated’ in the Novels The Brothers Karamazov and The Adolescent: Staraya Russa Period of Work

‘Insulted and humiliated’ is one of F. M. Dostoyevsky’s recurrent themes. It remains up-to-date in the last period of his creative work related to Staraya Russa. This town became the prototype of Skotoprigonievsk from The Brothers Karamazov and the small town Afimievsk from the novel The Adolescent. In Dostoyevsky’s letters, in his wife’s memoires, in the reports of the writer’s friends from Staraya Russa there crop up the recollections of the citizens, who can be considered the prototypes of the ‘insulted and humiliated’ in these novels.

Features of Iran’s Image Formation in Modern Russian Media (Political Metaphor)

The article considers the specific character of Iran’s image being formed in the modern Russian media on the example of such newspapers as Argumenty i fakty (Arguments and Facts) and Izvestiya
(News). The author addresses the study of metaphorical patterns used in media texts, and concludes that the anthropomorphic and sociomorphic models are the most recurrent.

To the Question of the Specificity of a Multicultural Literary Text

The article shows the results of a multicultural literary texts’ analysis aimed at revealing their linguistic and stylistic peculiarities. The emphasis is placed on the methods of applying such a linguistic notion as ‘image response’ as one of the units/means of a multicultural literary text analysis.

Peculiarities of a Multicultural Literary Text as a Phenomenon of Modern Reality

The article deals with linguostylistic peculiarities of a multicultural literary text. It is attempted to show that the meanings representing a precedent phenomenon are actualized in the notional and figurative forms in the reader’s mind, thus enriching the imagery of the virtual reality of the text. The emphasis is made on the aspects of the literary image formation and its role in conveying the ethnic flair in the context of intercultural interaction.

Spain’s Image Representation in the Spanish King’s Christmas Messages

The Spanish King’s Christmas message is a traditional event of the social and political life in Spain, and it is one of the few occasions when the head of state directly addresses the nation. This annual address is structured according to strict traditions of classical rhetoric, it has its own language and composition features and has a symbolic and ritual nature. This article analyzes Felipe VI’s Christmas messages (from 2014 to 2018) and focuses on the constructed images of the Spanish monarch (addresser), the Spanish nation (addressee) and the country.

Two Philarets: On the Special Features of the Saints’ Images in the Works by N. S. Leskov

The article attempts to study the methods of depicting saints in the texts by N. S. Leskov on the example of the images of saint bishops Philaret Drozdov and Philaret Amphiteatrov. The polarity of expressive means in the descriptions of the characters is emphasized as largely driven by the narrator’s pathos. The analysis is based not only on the material of the Trifles from the Life of Archbishops, but also of some other works.

The role of traditional media in promoting the international image of the People’s Republic of China

The article concentrates on the analysis of the strategy of the People’s Republic of China to promote its image abroad through traditional mass media. The publications of one of the largest periodical of the People’s Republic of China Nanfang Daily are analyzed.

On the self-presentation in the sport discourse (On the example of mixed martial arts fighters’ discourse)

The article considers specific features of MMA fighters’ self-presentation. The strategy of self-presentation was studied predominantly on the basis of the political discourse, but it is used in the sport discourse as well. It has been found out that for self-presentation sportsmen actively use metaphors, epithets, similes, allegories, cliches, actualize such modality and formulas as ‘I am an underdog’, ‘I am the best’, ‘I am like you’.
