Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1817-7115 (Print)
ISSN 2541-898X (Online)


Semantic range of the concept “reader” in contemporary Russian culture

Negative transformations associated with the culture of reading in the 21st century are generally recognized. First of all, and not without reason, the reader of fi ction comes into the fi eld of vision of philologists and teachers. The goal of the article is to analyze the modern range of meanings of the concept “reader” against the backdrop of the established reader’s image in the collective (proverbial) folk memory. The author is interested in the problem of institutionalization of the Russian reader.

K. D. Balmont’s Sonnets of Sun, Honey and Moon: the Title Poetics and the Book Structure

The article analyzes the title poetics and the structure of the poetry book by K. D. Balmont Sonnets of Sun, Honey and Moon (1917) as a book of sonnets, a book of symbols, a ‘chamber’ book.

A Book in the Structure of B. Pasternak’s Novel Doctor Zhivago: Book One

The article analyzes the structure of B. Pasternak’s novel Doctor Zhivago as a ‘novel about a person’, the composition of the first book is deliberately studied on the level of the parts (seven parts) and chapters (123 chapters), which allows to picture the ‘idea of the whole’ novel more distinctly.

Chekhov by B. K. Zaitsev: The author’s concept and composition of ‘biography’

The article analyzes the book by B.K Zaitsev Chekhov (1954) as a novelized biography, a ‘life story’. The author’s concept and composition of the book, consisting of 15 chapters with titles, 54 subchapters / fragments, are given a special emphasis; the artistic meanings and originality of the narrative of a complete biography are considered.