Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1817-7115 (Print)
ISSN 2541-898X (Online)


The semantic method of word formation as an effective way to replenish professional languages (based on the material of English-language terminology of customs and television)

This article is devoted to the consideration of the term system as a set of professional knowledge terms using the example of English customs activity (CA) and television (TV) fields.
This article is devoted to the consideration of the issues of the formation of the terminological system as a set of professional knowledge terms on the example of the spheres of English customs activity and television.

Structure and Semantics of Abbreviation

The theoretical aspects of word-formation are considered in the article. For the first time the
complex multiple-aspect investigation of abbreviation in the modern European languages has been carried out.

The Impact of Analytism on the Characteristics of English Abbreviated Words

The theoretical aspects of word-formation are considered in the article. The complex multipleaspect investigation of abbreviation in the modern English language has been carried out.

On the problem of semiotic nature of abbreviations and phraseological units

The article highlights a semiotic approach to the study of specific language units: abbreviations and phraseological units. The relation between the signifier and the signified helps to perceive the process
of the formation of new linguistic signs which can be both motivated and arbitrary. In both cases the asymmetry of a linguistic sign causes the appearance of either a new signifier (in abbreviation), or a new signified (in phraseology).

From The Wandering Jew to Ahasver: Eugène Sue’s Novel in Russian Translations

The article deals with Russian translations of the famous novel The Wandering Jew (1844) by the French writer Eugène Sue, performed at different times. The brief characteristics of translators are considered. The comparative analysis of translations in the conceptual and cultural context of its era is carried out. The printing features of individual publications are characterized.