Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1817-7115 (Print)
ISSN 2541-898X (Online)


Ethical aspects of preparing journalistic materials about children and for children’s audiences: A humanistic approach

Thе article examines a two-pronged problem: the need to develop fundamental documents on the Russian media’s observance of humanistic principles, when preparing materials about childhood, as well as the lack of a professional journalistic school within which such approaches are formed and supported.

Этические аспекты подготовки журналистских материалов о детях и для детской аудитории: гуманистический подход

В данной статье рассматривается двуединая проблема: необходимость разработки основополагающих документов о соблюдении российскими СМИ гуманистических принципов при подготовке материалов о детстве, а также отсутствие профессиональной журналистской школы, в рамках которой формируются и поддерживаются такие подходы.

Русские публикации Дж. Гиссинга и их роль в творческом наследии писателя

В статье впервые в отечественном литературоведении рассматриваются публикации Дж. Гиссинга, созданные им для русского журнала «Вестник Европы» в 1881 – 1882 гг. Автором предпринимается попытка выявить стилистические особенности репортажей, охарактеризовать их проблематику. Проведенный анализ показывает, что вопросы, затрагиваемые писателем в журнальных публикациях, актуализируются им впоследствии и в художественных произведениях.

Literary Materials of the Nezavisimaya Gazeta (Independent Newspaper) and Social Life in the Middle of the 90s of the XXth Century

In the article the author investigates the process of transformation of literary life publications on the pages of socio-political newspapers in the middle of the 1990s. The mechanisms impacting the formation of a new value system in the momentous period of society development are revealed. The author defines the importance of literary life publications in the perception of newspaper issue information.

Factors of Ambiguity and Risk in the Professional Activity of Russian Journalists in the Second Part of XIX Century

The article considers the conditions of the journalists’ work which form the situations of ambiguity and risk in their professional activity: the interference of censorship, relationships with censors and other authority representatives. The attention is given to the journalists’ attempts to influence the process of preparation of Censorial Regulations of 1862.

A Modern Reader of a News Website

The article characterizes a modern reader of a news website which allows anyone to leave comments or post their own text.

A. K. Sheller-Mikhailov in the Journal Russkoye Slovo (The Russian Word)

The article emphasizes how the participation in Russkoye Slovo impacted the writer’s creative personality, mindset, spiritual and moral as well as aesthetic notions being formed. The writer was in the center of the literary events of the 1860s and he held responsible posts at the editorial board.

The Features of TV and Radio Channels’ Integration with Social Networks in Chuvash Republic

The article considers the interaction of electronic mass media of Chuvash Republic with social networks. The authors identify the features of such integration of the state and commercial broadcasters, analyze the contents of the most successful mass media of the region, evaluate the editorial boards’ policies towards managing the activities promoting their mass media in social networks.

M. P. Davydov – a Forgotten Old Believer Journalist from Saratov

The article considers Old Believer journalism of the beginning of the ХХth century and the journalistic legacy of M. P. Davydov, a Saratov journalist who actively contributed to the leading Old Believers’ journals of that time. The bibliography of his published articles is presented; as well as short excerpts of some articles; the author’s biographical data and his pen-names are specified.

A. K. Sheller-Mikhailov in the Journal Zhenskiy Vestnik (Women’s Bulletin)

The 1860s turned out to be crucial in forming both Sheller-Mikhailov’s creative identity and his world outlook, his spiritual, moral and aesthetic views, which he had been true to throughout his life journey. Not lengthy in time, but prolific and active participation in Zhenskiy Vestnik holds a specific place in the journal activity of the writer, who rightfully became one of the key and unifying figures in the literary process of the second half of the XIXth century.
