Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1817-7115 (Print)
ISSN 2541-898X (Online)

В. П. Катаев

Комедия В. П. Катаева «Случай с гением» («Понедельник»): критико-сатирический аспект.

В статье проводится исследование по выявлению находящегося в области содержания критико-сатирического аспекта комедии В. П. Катаева «Случай с гением» («Понедельник»), отображающего негативное отношение автора к деятельности руководства Союза писателей СССР периода «оттепели». Яркое сатирическое действие с острыми диалогами, неожиданными поворотами и динамичностью оттеняют критическую линию в комедии.

V. P. Kataev’s comedy Time, forward!: The artistic image of the main character in the context of the variants of the work

The article studies the variants of Valentin Kataev’s comedy Time, forward! in order to identify edits that influenced the author’s expression and the reader’s perception of the image of the main character. While researching comedy variants, it was found that the authors interested in Kataev’s work avoided the comedy Time, forward!. In our opinion, knowing about the corrections of the text of the play, Soviet critics, guided by political correctness, did not dare to engage in public polemics and literary-critical discussion around the famous writer.

The commonality of the story of V. Kataev “Knives” and the Russian fairy tale

The article analyzes the similarity of the actions of the hero in the story “Knives” by V. P. Kataev and the character functions in Russian fairy tale. In order to establish the commonality of the story “Knives” and the Russian fairy tale, a comparison is made and the relationship between the actions of the hero of the story and the character functions in the fairy tale is determined by the monotony and compositional sequence.