Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1817-7115 (Print)
ISSN 2541-898X (Online)

Сол Беллоу

The Image of Trotsky in Saul Bellow’s Works: The Dialectical Fabric of Fact and Fiction

The paper explores the correlation between biography, history and fiction in Saul Bellow’s early works. Regarding the image of Trotsky that persistently appears in his books, the presented analysis identifies a range of narrative devices that help transpose fact into fiction, such as framing (story inside a story), counterpoint construction, and deliberately subjective perception of historical events.

Hybrid identity in the American-Jewish literature

The paper analyzes the complex relationship between becoming American and keeping up ethnic and religious traditions in immigrant  families as portrayed in the works of leading American Jewish novelists who entered the literary scene after the Second World War when the back-to-the-roots sentiment was on the rise driven by the expanding multiculturalist discourse. The writings of Saul Bellow, Alan Lelchuk and Philip Roth are discussed to illustrate the different stages in the reassessment of Jewish identity.