Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1817-7115 (Print)
ISSN 2541-898X (Online)

лексические грецизмы

Conceptualization of a Greek Orthodox Discourse LoanWord Lampade in Fiction (on the Works of I. S. Shmelyov)

The article is focused on the conceptualization of Greek loan-words from the Orthodox discourse in literature. On the material of a novel and a story by I. Shmelyov we have analyzed the layer structure of the concept lampade. It is possibble to distinguish objectivenotional, imagery-symbolic, and evaluative levels of the concept. Their distinctive features are related to the cultural and religious traditions, and are also predetermined by the genre characteristics of the author’s works.

The Functions of Greek Loan-words of the Orthodox Religious Discourse in Literature (on the Material of S.V. Kekova’s poetry)

The article is focused on Greek loan-words from the Orthodox discourse in literature. Statistic, stylistic, and semantic analysis of such Greek loan-words is carried out on the material of poems by S. Kekova. Performing a complex of different functions, the Greek loanwords are shown to create an individual world model –a Universe with the World Tree as its Axis.

Conceptualization of a Greek Loan-Word of Orthodox Discourse Icon in a Literary Text (on the Material of the Texts of I.S. Shmelyov)

The article is focused on the conceptualization of Greek loan-words from the Orthodox discourse in literature. On the material of prose by I. Shmelyov we have analyzed the structure of the concept icon. It is possible to distinguish objective-notional, imagery-symbolic, and evaluative levels of the concept. Their distinctive features are shown to be determined by cultural and religious traditions and also explained by narrative characteristics of the works.