Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1817-7115 (Print)
ISSN 2541-898X (Online)


Трагическая диалектика жизни детей с тиверзинского двора в романе Б.Л. Пастернака «Доктор Живаго»

В статье анализируется трагическая диалектика жизни детей с тиверзинского двора, которые посвятили себя революции и стали ее жертвами, как и те, против кого революция задумывалась. Проанализировано значение локуса «тиверзинский двор», занимающего в композиции значимое место благодаря образу жизни живущих там железнодорожников, которые сформировали характеры будущих участников революции. Как место встреч и предмет воспоминаний, данный локус является одним из средств характеристики повзрослевших мальчиков и девочек.

Lyrical Triptych «Petropolis» by O. E. Mandelstam: Textual Criticism and Poetics

The article focuses on one of the little-researched author’s edition of a cycle of poems «Petropolis» and shows that in the form of a triptych it has an inherent artistic value. The analysis demonstrates the birth process of the individual poetic myth and the synthesis of various levels of meaning.

«Aviation» Cycle by O. Mandelstam: to the Problem of Context and Interpretation

The article regards O. Mandelstam’s poems published as a cycle only in the magazines of 1920s. The analysis of the cycle composition helps to supplement the picture of the co-existence of utopian and apocalyptic moments in the creative consciousness of Mandelstam in the beginning of 1920s.

Derzhavin before Derzhavin by Viktor Sosnora: the Potential the Genre and Composition Meaning

The article is dedicated to the poetics of a historic work by V. Sosnora Derzhavin before Derzhavin. The main focus is on the potential of the genre foundation (a cycle of essays) and composition meaning. Those are viewed as ways of creating a subjective author’s image of a historic figure – a poet and a statesman.

«Composition Carrying Towards the Ultimate Freedom»: To the Issue of the Point of View in A. I. Solzhenitsyn’s Novel «The First Circle»

The issue of the point of view in the composition of A. I. Solzhenitsyn’s novel «The First Circle» is regarded in the article by means of the structural analysis of its components based on the methodology by B. A. Uspensky.

Shipovnik (Rose Tree) Almanac: an Integrating Context (on the Material of the Third Book, 1908)

The article reveals external and internal factors contributing to the formation of an integrating context of the third book of Shipovnik Publishing House Literary-Artistic Almanac (1908): the design of the book and composition are being examined, the motives of the almanac’s texts are analyzed.

The «First Moscow Notebook» and the Issue of the Great Form in Mandelstam’s Poetry of the 1930s

The article deals with the issues of cyclization in Mandelstam’s poetry of the beginning of the 1930s, based on the materials of the «First Moscow notebook». The object of study is the hierarchy of different types of lyrical entities and some tendencies in the formation of the book of poems in the late works of Mandelstam.

Uncollected Cycle by O. Mandelstam to the Memory of Andrey Bely (Problems of Composition and Genre)

The article focuses on the group of Mandelstam’s poems dedicated to Andrey Bely and shows that this group constitutes an uncollected cycle associated with the archaic attributes of the requiem genre. The analysis of the cycle composition leads to the assumption that variability becomes one of the cyclization factors here.

Poems of Goldfinch and Their Place in Mandelstam’s Second Voronezh Notebook. Article one

The article is devoted to Mandelstam’s unfinished cycle of goldfinch and its diverse connections to poems of the Second Voronezh Notebook. The author of the article reveals some hidden meanings of the goldfinch poems and connections within the central section of Voronezh Notebooks by analyzing the draft manuscript and the final version.

Ways of Creating Psychological Portraits of the Characters in Pasternak’s Novel Doctor Zhivago

The article substantiates the conclusion that the basis of the psychological portraits of many characters, as well as of the composition of the novel Doctor Zhivago, contains parallelism and isomorphism; and their compositional unity allows the author to reveal the family and spiritual affinity of the characters, as well as to express his position.
