Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1817-7115 (Print)
ISSN 2541-898X (Online)


Happiness Images in Naive Consciousness (Experimental Aspect)

The article is devoted to the definition of content and acting types of correlation structures inside the image of happiness. Actualization intensiveness of constructive cognitive marks is analyzed in different age groups of respondents. Investigation result is structural model creation to show cognitive marks interaction inside the image of happiness.

Tthe Manifestation of Social, Ethnic and Cultural Identity in the National Periodicals (Based on the Material of the Chechen Journal NANA)

The article considers the role of national periodicals in the context of national cultural values, which exist in the media. The author considers the problem of social and ethno-cultural identity as a factor in forming the image of the nation.

Problem of Jewish Identity in Georges Perec’s Works

This paper covers the analysis of Jewish identity in the works of the French writer Georges Perec. The author comes to the conclusion that this problem has a significant impact on the poetics of Pereс, it is presented in the techniques of formal constraints and the ‘aesthetics of absence’, the purpose of which is to reconstruct Perec’s memory and past by means of language play.

Creative self-identifi cation of Vladislav Khodasevich in the book “Derzhavin”

The relevance and novelty of this article lie in the analysis of creative self-identifi cation in the book by V. Khodasevich “Derzhavin” (1931), which is an access to the author’s thought. This study is based on the methods of the Russian psychoanalyst Ya. M. Kogan, set forth in the book “Identifi cation and its role in artistic creativity” (1926). This work has never been considered in literary criticism from this perspective. The works of modern scientists are also taken into account: D. P. Bak, K. A. Krylov, V. I. Tyupa, E. V. Kharitonova, M. A.