Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1817-7115 (Print)
ISSN 2541-898X (Online)


Factors of Ambiguity and Risk in the Professional Activity of Russian Journalists in the Second Part of XIX Century

The article considers the conditions of the journalists’ work which form the situations of ambiguity and risk in their professional activity: the interference of censorship, relationships with censors and other authority representatives. The attention is given to the journalists’ attempts to influence the process of preparation of Censorial Regulations of 1862.

«An Eye for Risk»: Thomas Cromwell in Hilary Mantel’s historical novels

The figure of Thomas Cromwell in the first two parts of Hilary Mantel’s trilogy is seen as the embodiment of the idea of efficient risk control. Cromwell’s evolution from the value system of the rising bourgeoisie towards old feudal ways is traced; Mantel’s mastery in psychological characterization analyzed.

Nothing Ventured Nothing Gained: on the Acts of Christian Missionaries in the Works by Epiphanius the Wise and Nikolai Leskov («The Life of Stephan of Perm» and «On the Edge of the World»)

The article is dedicated to the analysis of the category of spiritual and physical «risk» in the works of the Russian writers of different epochs – from the medieval «life» to the XIXth century novel. They are united by the analysis of the inner state and outward dangers awaiting the missionaries of the Christian faith among pagans.

Dialog with a Reader in Victor Pelevin’s Prose Works: Author’s Strategies and Risks (the Collection «The Pineapple Water for the Beautiful Lady»)

The article is a literary analysis of the categories of «in-text author» and «in-text reade» as active components of the literary text poetics on the material of Victor Pelevin’s prose works. One of the main goals of this research focused on the reader problem is to get closer to the understanding of the modern Russian writer’s author’s strategy.