Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1817-7115 (Print)
ISSN 2541-898X (Online)


Эпистолярный жанр в творчестве Г. Галбацова: автор и адресат

Цель данной статьи состоит в попытке рассмотреть своеобразие стиля современного дагестанского прозаика Газимагомеда Галбацова на материале эпистолярного жанра: в «письмах на тот свет» «Тажудину» и «Гамзату Цадасе», классикам аварской литературы конца Х1Х-начала ХХ вв., отражающих мастерство писателя и его творческие искания в области художественной формы и языка. Использованные М.С.

Means of D.A. Medvedev’s Speech Impact (Based on the Material of the Article “On, Russia!” and the Address to the Federal Assembly)

The article deals with the analysis of the means of D.A. Medvedev’s speech impact on the addressee. Depending on the form of the text or of the public performance, similarities and specific characteristics of the implementation of speech impact means are revealed.

The Addressee Role in Multidimensional Prosess of Communication (in the Interview Genre)

In the article the multidimensional process of communication is considered in the light of spatial relationship of communicants and the types of addressees in the interview genre; it is attempted to create a molecular 3D model of communication.

Verbal and Non-verbal Techniques of Creating the Comic in Creolized Texts of Social Advertisement

The article shows how the speaker of an advertising message widely uses the comic and the humorous in the discourse in order to optimize the process of perception.