Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1817-7115 (Print)
ISSN 2541-898X (Online)

вспомогательные коммуникативные единицы

Auxiliary Communicative Units’ Functioning In the Radio Programmes

The article researches how additional communicative units function in monologues and dialogues that sound on the Russian and English radio. In the Russian broadcasts those units are used more frequently and in more diverse ways than in the English ones. Dialogical speech is filled with more additional units of various types than monological speech. The differences between the monologue and dialogue are more vividly pronounced in the English language broadcasts.

Auxiliary Communicative Units in Russian and the US Presidential Addresses

On the materials of the genre of Presidential Address to Federal Congress the article offers a comparison in functioning of auxiliary communicative units in Russian and American political discourse, and reveals the universal and specific characteristics of their usage in political leaders’ speech