Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1817-7115 (Print)
ISSN 2541-898X (Online)

публицистический дискурс

Linguocultural lexical timers and chronemes in the informative code of journalistic discourse (on the material of the magazines National Geographic and Vokrug Sveta (Around the World))

The article describes the nominative fi eld of the dominant concept “Time” by identifying the peculiarities of the representation of chronemes and linguocultural lexical timers in the discursive temporal architectonics of journalistic articles on Arabic architecture published in the magazines Vokrug Sveta and National Geographic.

Лингвокультурные лексические таймеры и хронемы в информативном коде публицистического дискурса (на материале журналов «National Geographic» и «Вокруг света»)

Цель настоящей статьи – охарактеризовать номинативное поле концепта-доминанты ВРЕМЯ посредством выявления специфики представленности хронем и лингвокультурных лексических таймеров в дискурсивной темпоральной архитектонике публицистических статей об арабской архитектуре в журналах «Вокруг света» и «National Geographic».

The Means of Secondary Semiosis as a Way to Identify the Characteristics of a Journalist’s Speech Portrait

The article studies the means of secondary semiosis, non-verbal means of intensifying the reader’s perception, characteristic of the journalist style of the Dagestan journalist Khadzhimurad Kamalov. A journalist text is considered in this article as a result of combining a verbal text and all non-verbal means, which help the author to address the audience and emerge as a linguistic persona.