Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1817-7115 (Print)
ISSN 2541-898X (Online)

семантическая структура

Semantic and Cognitive Analysis of the Means of Concentrated Appeal to the Concept вера / faith

The article contains the semantic and cognitive analysis of the lexeme вера / faith, which nominates concept faith in the Russian and English languages; basic structural components of this lexeme are singled out; nationally specific features of the language and culture concept faith are defined in both Russian Orthodox and Protestant discourse types

The Problem of Cyclization in Love Lyrics of Mandelstam (In the Poems Dedicated to Olga Vaksel)

The article gives an overview of the uncollected love cycles of O. Mandelstam. The emphasis is placed on such problems of studying them as determining the addressee and the composition, analyzing their artistic integrity. A more detailed analysis of the semantic structure of the cycle dedicated to Olga Vaksel is given.