Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1817-7115 (Print)
ISSN 2541-898X (Online)


IX International Scientific Seminar “The Development of the Word-Formation and Lexical System of the Russian Language”

 The article is an overview of the two-day sessions of the IX International Scientifi c Seminar “The Development of the Word-Formation and Lexical System of the Russian language”, which was held at Saratov State University on October 30–31, 2023. The seminar was attended by derivatologists from Saratov, Moscow, Volgograd, Nizhny Novgorod, Kazan, Donetsk, Samara, Tambov, as well as from Kazakhstan. The seminar has existed on the basis of the SSU since 2008, and it is superintended by O. Yu. Kryuchkova and O. I. Dmitrieva.

IX Международный научный семинар "Развитие словообразовательной и лексической системы русского языка"

Статья представляет собой обзор двухдневных заседаний IX Международного научного семинара «Развитие словообразовательной и лексической системы русского языка», который проходил в Саратовском государственном университете имени Н.Г. Чернышевского 30-31 октября 2023 года. В работе семинара приняли участие дериватологи из Саратова, Москвы, Волгограда, Нижнего Новгорода, Казани, Донецка, Самары, а также из Казахстана. Семинар существует на базе СГУ с 2008 года, и руководят его работой О.Ю. Крючкова и О.И. Дмитриева.

Structure and Semantics of Abbreviation

The theoretical aspects of word-formation are considered in the article. For the first time the
complex multiple-aspect investigation of abbreviation in the modern European languages has been carried out.

The Impact of Analytism on the Characteristics of English Abbreviated Words

The theoretical aspects of word-formation are considered in the article. The complex multipleaspect investigation of abbreviation in the modern English language has been carried out.

On the problem of semiotic nature of abbreviations and phraseological units

The article highlights a semiotic approach to the study of specific language units: abbreviations and phraseological units. The relation between the signifier and the signified helps to perceive the process
of the formation of new linguistic signs which can be both motivated and arbitrary. In both cases the asymmetry of a linguistic sign causes the appearance of either a new signifier (in abbreviation), or a new signified (in phraseology).