Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1817-7115 (Print)
ISSN 2541-898X (Online)


A character of modern drama in the aspect of communicative strategy of self-presentation (based on the oeuvre of Nikolay Kolyada)

The article analyzes the unique manifestation of one of the communicative speech strategies – the strategy of self-presentation, which, “at the suggestion” of the author, is quite actively implemented in modern plays by their characters. The analysis is based on the work of Nikolay Kolyada (the play Wedge-Wagon from the dramatic diptych Two Plus Two).

Персонаж современной драматургии в аспекте коммуникативной стратегии самопрезентации (на материале творчества Николая Коляды)

В статье на материале творчества Николая Коляды (пьеса «Клин-обоз» из драматургического диптиха «Два плюс два») анализируется своеобразие воплощения в драматургическом дискурсе одной из коммуникативно-речевых стратегий, которая «с подачи» автора достаточно активно реализуются в современных пьесах действующими в них персонажами, – стратегии самопрезентации.

Ways of Creating Psychological Portraits of the Characters in Pasternak’s Novel Doctor Zhivago

The article substantiates the conclusion that the basis of the psychological portraits of many characters, as well as of the composition of the novel Doctor Zhivago, contains parallelism and isomorphism; and their compositional unity allows the author to reveal the family and spiritual affinity of the characters, as well as to express his position.

To the Question of the Specificity of a Multicultural Literary Text

The article shows the results of a multicultural literary texts’ analysis aimed at revealing their linguistic and stylistic peculiarities. The emphasis is placed on the methods of applying such a linguistic notion as ‘image response’ as one of the units/means of a multicultural literary text analysis.