Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1817-7115 (Print)
ISSN 2541-898X (Online)

ментальное пространство

Modelling Cognitive Contexts of Verbal Irony (on the Material of the Russian and English Languages)

The research represented in the article focuses on the modelling of the process of ironic meaning construction. The modelling is realized in the form of hierarchically organized mental spaces. These are cognitive contexts that provide comprehension of irony.

Blending from the Aspect of Cognitive-Communicative Paradigm

The paper considers the cognitive-communicative nature of blending (contamination), as a word-formation process. Blending is characterized by the combination of mental spaces in one-word motivated signs, accompanied by their semantic laconic brevity, fullness and a great potential of expressiveness.

Discourse as a Cognitive Mechanism

The article proposes a generalization of theoretical discourse studies as a product or result of social relations, as well as a mechanism or instrument of their construction and regulation. The author structures the ideas of discourse, most thoroughly developed in the national philological science, and focuses on the controversial issues related to the research of various types and forms of discourse.