Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1817-7115 (Print)
ISSN 2541-898X (Online)

Literary criticism

Unchildlike Meanings in Children’s Poetry (Based on Poems about the War by E. A. Blaginina)

The article studies the lyrical cycle of poems by the famous children’s poet E. A. Blaginina “Why do you cherish your overcoat?” published in 1975 and understudied by researchers. Comprehending the particular features of the cycle’s poetics (composition, original characteristics of the lyrical hero, the functions of poetic syntax, etc.) allows us to reveal the range of its meanings; to identify the special features of E. A. Blaginina’s creative manner; to consider children’s poetry as a special artistic phenomenon.

A Book in the Structure of B. Pasternak’s Novel Doctor Zhivago: Book One

The article analyzes the structure of B. Pasternak’s novel Doctor Zhivago as a ‘novel about a person’, the composition of the first book is deliberately studied on the level of the parts (seven parts) and chapters (123 chapters), which allows to picture the ‘idea of the whole’ novel more distinctly.

Hermetic Novel by V. Yemelyanov Jim’s Date

The article analyses poetics and sources of the novel Jim’s Date by V. Yemelyanov. The author comes to the conclusion that the high-principled artistic framework of the novel is based on the aesthetic and philosophical concepts of the Russian symbolism and on the mystic premises of the Masonic doctrine.

The Image of the Volga in Skitalets’s (S. G. Petrov) Early Works

This article describes the creation of the image of the Volga in the early works of Skitalets (S. G. Petrov, 1869–1941). The artistic world of the writer is filled with natural images, which are drawn mainly in a romantic way. The landscapes of Skitalets are mostly bright and colorful, although there are accurate realistic sketches. Also, the Volga can play the role of a psychological ‘accompaniment’, and can become the ideal embodiment of the proper state of the world.

Journalism and Journalists in A. P. Chekhov’s Stories

In A. P. Chekhov’s prose such characters as journalists, reporters, news reporters, newspaper readers, and newspaper contributions themselves are introduced. The type of Chekhov’s reporter is studied, whose stereotypical behavior and character become a specialty of a kind. With the transition from comic stories to the ‘dull stories’ of the characters, with the enhancement of the underlying message, the reporters with their single-line depiction disappear from Chekhov’s works.

“The Old Woman Was Knitting a Stocking and Was Looking Sidewaysat us Through Her Glasses…”: Women’s Handiwork of Old Age in I. S. Turgenev’s Oeuvre

The article discusses the description of old ladies and old women in the works of I. S. Turgenev, daily activities of these characters, and the needlework which accompanies the image of an elderly woman in the writer’s texts. The main task of the article is to show how frequently old women’s handiwork – knitting – occurs and to identify the contexts of its occurrence in Turgenev’s oeuvre

I. A. Kovanko’s Odes: Poetics in the Literary Context

The paper considers the peculiarities of I. A. Kovanko’s odes written at the end of the 18th century and the beginning of the 19th century. The reminiscences from G. R. Derzhavin’s and M. V. Lomonosov’s poetry are revealed. The article focuses on the influence of classicism and sentimentalism on Kovanko’s work and the synthesis of heterogeneous elements that trace back to the 18th century poets.

Solzhenitsyn’s Switzerland

The article analyses the image of Switzerland on the material of the ‘sketches of exile’ Between Two Millstones, episodes of The Red Wheel and A. I. Solzhenitsyn’s opinion journalism. A. I. Solzhenitsyn went to Switzerland to collect the material for the chapters about Lenin. The author of the article shows Switzerland as a key point in A. I. Solzhenitsyn’s worldview geography, alongside France and Japan.

The Home and Hearth of the Russian Intellectuals and the Revolution in the Novels by M. Aldanov and B. Pasternak

The article shows the social and cultural content of the concept of the hearth on the eve of the Russian Revolution of the 1917. In the novels Suicide by M. Aldanov, Doctor Zhivago by B. Pasternak the hearth entails a complex of motives related to the premonition of the loss of the family well-being.

“A Theory of Art without the Art”: To the Question of the Place and Status of the Futurism Manifestos in the Cultural Space of the Epoch

The article analyses the status of mission statements in the sub-field of avant-garde art. The manifesto of futurism blurs the lines of the aesthetic theory and artistic practice. In the avant-garde discourse text and meta-text are located on one level, and the history of Saratov ‘psycho-futurism’ proves that.
