Analysis of the Russian village prose and its place in the cultural space of China
In modern Russia it is widely believed that China has adopted all the best from the USSR: the ideas of the equality of citizens, the socialist structure of the state, the fi ght against corruption, cultural trends, trends in education. The Russian village prose has become part of the school curriculum of China, just as it has done in its homeland in Russia. Rustic prose is close in spirit to the bulk of the population of the Chinese provinces. The ideas and trends that concern the Russian people could not leave the citizens of China indiff erent. Russian literature has been infl uencing the national literature of China since 1917; using the example of the works of Russian literature, the people of China realized the need for change, writers understood the basics of creating new, modern literature. In the 90s, the place of the Russian village prose was so great that the Chinese population perceived it as their native literature. In China, the works of V. Astafyev, V. Rasputin, V. Shukshin are appreciated, the peculiarities of the writers’ styles are studied. The works written in the genre of rustic prose are of great importance for Chinese citizens, they fall out of the usual genre, preserve the historical memory of the people, show the tragedies of the times of collectivization, the hardships of wartime logistics, the restoration of the destroyed state, and others.Village life fascinates with its simplicity. Breaking away from his roots, destroying intra-family ties, being carried away by opposing tendencies and ideas, the hero of the works of Russian authors makes himself unhappy, but the understanding of the mistake comes to him late, alongside the remorse, or does not come at all.
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