Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Philology. Journalism

ISSN 1817-7115 (Print)
ISSN 2541-898X (Online)

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“Personal geography” as an auto-document (Based on the material of the modern Russian prose)

Nekrasova Irina Vladimirovna, Samara State University of Social Sciences and Education

The article deals with the concepts of auto-document (ego-document), the combination of the artistic and documentary, “personal geography”, which are relevant for the current stage of the literary process. The main purpose of this study is to show, using the example of the latest works of Russian prose, the importance of geographical addresses (understood as spatial landmarks) for the movement of the plot, as well as being a meaning-generating component not only of documentary, but also of artistic texts themselves. As an object of analysis, collections are used that have united diff erent authors within the framework of a common problem, and works of long form, in particular, the novel by E. Chizhova “The City written from memory”. All these texts are related in terms of using a single-subject narrative, in which the author and the hero are conceptualized (often he is also a biographical author) and practically inseparable. At the same time, the destinies and stories of the characters are built within the framework of the movement of their “personal” geography, and specifi c addresses become not only and not so much a documentary component, as a moment that promotes the plot. Against the background of authentic coordinates and routes, the behavior of the characters and their perception of the surrounding world change. Personal stories in the collection “To live in St. Petersburg” are determined by individual routes, a powerful literary and general cultural context, within which the fate of the character is predetermined by specifi c addresses and coordinates. The article draws a conclusion about the formation of a noticeable author’s strategy, using which the interpenetration of documentary and artistic principles in literary texts is determined precisely by “personal geography”.


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