Izvestiya of Saratov University.

Philology. Journalism

ISSN 1817-7115 (Print)
ISSN 2541-898X (Online)

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Provincial Space in Chekhov and Gorky`s Drama («Three Sisters» and «The Barbarians»)

Tyutelova Larisa Gennadyevna, Samara State University

In this article we are considering the poetics of the spatial image – the provincial town – in the plays by Gorky and Chekhov. The context of the XIX century classical drama enables to determine the new content of the province image, to reveal common features of the «new drama» poetics and author`s individual peculiarities as well, and to confront the world outlook positions of its two creators – Chekhov and Gorky reflected in the failing – to – coincide appraisals of the perspectives in the development of the Russian provincial life in the early XX century. Key words: Russian «new drama», drama space, poetics of subject sphere, conception of drama action and hero.


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