Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1817-7115 (Print)
ISSN 2541-898X (Online)


Linguistic markers of extraversion/introversion of a personality in the translation text: Setting a problem

The article studies linguistic markers of extraversion/introversion of the translator’s linguistic personality and identifies their influence on the production of a high-quality balanced translation text. The material for this study was the poetic text of V. S. Vysotskiy “The One Who Didn’t Shoot”, created in the 1970s. The article presents an analysis of the translations of this text into French and English, made by Russian and foreign translators. The concept of translation space by L. V.

Discourse as a Cognitive Mechanism

The article proposes a generalization of theoretical discourse studies as a product or result of social relations, as well as a mechanism or instrument of their construction and regulation. The author structures the ideas of discourse, most thoroughly developed in the national philological science, and focuses on the controversial issues related to the research of various types and forms of discourse.