Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1817-7115 (Print)
ISSN 2541-898X (Online)


Ethical aspects of preparing journalistic materials about children and for children’s audiences: A humanistic approach

Thе article examines a two-pronged problem: the need to develop fundamental documents on the Russian media’s observance of humanistic principles, when preparing materials about childhood, as well as the lack of a professional journalistic school within which such approaches are formed and supported.

A Modern Reader of a News Website

The article characterizes a modern reader of a news website which allows anyone to leave comments or post their own text.

A. K. Sheller-Mikhailov in the Journal Russkoye Slovo (The Russian Word)

The article emphasizes how the participation in Russkoye Slovo impacted the writer’s creative personality, mindset, spiritual and moral as well as aesthetic notions being formed. The writer was in the center of the literary events of the 1860s and he held responsible posts at the editorial board.

Journal Zavety (Testaments): the Reception of the First Balkan war in M. Prishvin’s Sketches of 1912

M. Prishvin’s sketches from the journal Zavety (Testaments) are republished in fragments containing the reception of the First Balkan war (1912). They in a resourceful and journalistic manner re-create the discussion of the «Slavic issue» actualized by the war in different spheres of the Russian society. It is evident that Prishvin’s images and evaluations sound geopolitically up-to-date.

The Features of TV and Radio Channels’ Integration with Social Networks in Chuvash Republic

The article considers the interaction of electronic mass media of Chuvash Republic with social networks. The authors identify the features of such integration of the state and commercial broadcasters, analyze the contents of the most successful mass media of the region, evaluate the editorial boards’ policies towards managing the activities promoting their mass media in social networks.

The Image of the Turn of the Century in the Journalism of Ch. Aitmatov and V. Rasputin

At the turn of the century in their journalistic works Ch. Aitmatov and V. Rasputin reflect on historiosophic issues, identify challenges the humanity faces on the eve of the millennium, look for ways out of the anthropological crisis. In the article the viewpoints of the two writers with the ‘universal points of view’ are compared, and the main motives of their journalistic heritage are singled out.

M. P. Davydov – a Forgotten Old Believer Journalist from Saratov

The article considers Old Believer journalism of the beginning of the ХХth century and the journalistic legacy of M. P. Davydov, a Saratov journalist who actively contributed to the leading Old Believers’ journals of that time. The bibliography of his published articles is presented; as well as short excerpts of some articles; the author’s biographical data and his pen-names are specified.

A. K. Sheller-Mikhailov in the Journal Zhenskiy Vestnik (Women’s Bulletin)

The 1860s turned out to be crucial in forming both Sheller-Mikhailov’s creative identity and his world outlook, his spiritual, moral and aesthetic views, which he had been true to throughout his life journey. Not lengthy in time, but prolific and active participation in Zhenskiy Vestnik holds a specific place in the journal activity of the writer, who rightfully became one of the key and unifying figures in the literary process of the second half of the XIXth century.

Address Calendars and Reference Calendars of Tsaritsyn at the Turn of XIX–XXth Centuries

The article is dedicated to a specialized publication of Tsaritsyn, Saratov county, of the turn of the XIX–XXth century: the address calendars and reference calendars. Their main chapters and structure have been outlined as well as the circle of historic data which is contained in the publications under research.


The work is devoted to an important episode in the history of Russian Soviet journalism - the interpretation of Soviet-Turkish relations in 1938 - the last year of the life of Ataturk's president. The problems of creating the image of a major politician representing a foreign state are considered.
