Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1817-7115 (Print)
ISSN 2541-898X (Online)


The Characteristics and Challenges of China's Yi Culture Communication Under the Background of New Media

The development of the Internet technology and new media has greatly facilitated inter-regional exchanges and provided new opportunities for the broad dissemination of ethnic cultures. China has an incredibly rich heritage of ethnic minority cultures, but in the era of new media, these cultures face significant communication challenges.

The communicative function of olfactory images in the novels of P. Suskind Perfume and T. Salih The Season of Migration to the North

The article deals with the comparison of olfactory images in Patrick Suskind’s novel Perfume and Tayeb Salih’s The Season of Migration to the North in the communication context of Arab and European cultures. The initial theoretical point, based on the existing developments in the field of literary studies and cultural studies, is the idea of olfactory images as an essential component of the poetics of a work of art. The role played by olfactory images in revealing the characters of the two heroes Jean-Baptiste Grenouille and Mustafa Said is considered.

K. Vaginov’s Petersburg Text

The article studies the problem of Petersburg text of the Russian literature in the literary works by Konstantin Vaginov, its correspondence to the classical Petersburg text of A. Pushkin, F. Dostoevsky, N. Gogol.

Characteristics of Gogol’s Writing in the Novel The Raven by O. D. Forsch (Experience of a New Interpretation)

In the article different implementations of thoughts about Gogol in the novel The Raven written by O. Forsch are considered. The part of the chapter from The Raven excluded from the canonical text is analyzed as well. The issue is raised why this part did not appear in the final version of the novel.

Nicholai Chernyshevsky: Towards 180-th Anniversary

The article offers a contemporary view of Chernyshevsky’s biography and work, bringing in some understudied materials.