Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1817-7115 (Print)
ISSN 2541-898X (Online)


Allusive Background of the Text Paradigms of Meaning in the Novel «Budda’s Return» by G. I. Gazdanov

The article describes textual functions of the key allusions to the Buddist philosophy on the example of the novel «Budda’s Return» by G. I. Gazdanov. These allusions are enhanced by foregrounding interword textual paradigms of meaning (like synonyms, antonyms, species and genus combinations, periphrases, associative and thematic convergence).

Turgenev and Symbolists: to the Issue of the Artistic Experience Impact of Turgenev as a Novelist. Article 1: the Plot and Overplot in Turgenev’s Novel Smoke

The object of analysis in the article is the multidimensional structure of Turgenev’s novel Smoke and the ways of ‘overplot’ formation, ‘double perspective’ of the plot lines: allusions, symbolic motives and images, color narration. The author assumes that the artistic experience of Turgenev as a novel writer allows to see the genesis of some signature elements in the poetics of the symbolist novel.

Linguistic and Rhetorical Parameters of Delegitimizing Russia and Legitimizing the USA in the Speech of the U. S. Ambassadors to the UN

In the article the author conducts the research of linguistic means and rhetorical techniques applied in implementing the strategy of delegitimizing Russia and legitimizing the USA in the addresses of the U. S. ambassadors to the UN Samantha Power and David Pressman, dedicated to the topic of the 2015–2016 military conflict in Syria.


The article uses the material of the autograph "Ode to Beethoven" to study the peculiarities of Mandelstam's work on the text of this poem. The motive composition of the final version and the cultural contexts that participate in the formation of the semantics of the poem are also taken into account.

‘Steppe’ motifs in the lyrical poetry of O. Mandelstam: Characteristic aspects of the art space

The article deals with the development of poetic images and motifs associated with Mandelstam’s ideas about the steppe space. The author reveals national and universal aspects of this complex of images and motifs, as well as their connection with the Russian literary tradition and the individual poetic mythology of Mandelstam.