Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1817-7115 (Print)
ISSN 2541-898X (Online)

political discourse

Stereotyping of the image of Gerhard Schröder in the German political discourse

The article studies the language representation of stereotypes on the material of statements about the political views and actions of the ex-Chancellor of Germany Gerhard Schröder concerning the Russia-Ukraine conflict published in Spiegel Online (the first half of 2022). The significance of this work is determined by the relevance of research of stereotypes as a tool for designing and transferring opinions that helps the politicians to form the public attitude to people and events of importance.

The Concept of «Mental Representations» as a Model for Categorization of Political Discourse in Russia

The presented paper provides an insight into modern Russian political discourse and offers the analysis of 16 speeches delivered by Russian Presidents to the Federal Assembly in 1994–2009. An attempt has been made to show a tripartite connection between language, political ideologies and cultural values. Theoretical assumptions on power distance and the degree of individualism/collectivism in the modern Russia are illustrated with instances of discourse.

Discourse of Political Opposition in Presidential Elections Campaign of 2012 (on the example of Novaya Gazeta (New Newspaper) publications)

The article considers political opposition discourse in the presidential elections campaign in Russia in 2012 (on the material of № 136 (2011) – № 22 (2012) of Novaya Gazeta). The analysis of methods and means of linguistic manipulation and purposes of their usage is given; other discourse features of this period are described.

Peculiarities of Election Campaign Discourse of the Russian Political Opposition in Presidential Elections

The article gives an analysis of methods of speech impact in the discourse of two presidential election campaigns in Russia – in 2008 and 2012. Peculiarities of political opposition discourse represented in Novaya Gazeta are described.

Witnesses’ Evidence as One of the Techniques of Information Manipulation in Mass Media

The article studies instances of information tweaking in mass media texts. The author considers the pressure on the audience on the example of such a technique as bringing in the evidence of the witnesses. The article draws on the texts published in socio-political periodicals Rossiyskaya Gazeta, Izvestiya, Moskovskiy Komsomolets.

Verbal Reactions to Evaluative Negative Statements (on the Material of a Political Interview)

The article considers ways and means of verbal reactions of the Russian and the American presidents to the evaluative negative statements of mass media representatives in the course of interviews and press-conferences.

‘Labeling’ as a Technique of Information Manipulation in Mass Media

The article considers the issue of information manipulation in mass media texts. One of the manipulative techniques – labeling – is researched. The examples from the modern general interest media (Rossiyskaya gazeta, Novaya gazeta, Moskovsky komsomolets) are analyzed.

Discourse Strategy of the Spanish Political Party Podemos: Politics as a Struggle for Meanings

Language and politics are inseparably linked with each other as political action is, first of all, a speech action, and political processes are communicative processes and are constituted by means of language. In the article the communication policy of the Spanish political party Podemos is innovatively considered not only as an object, but also as the subject of reality, otherwise, as a way to form and model political reality.

Communicative and Discursive Characteristics of Analytical Blogs Dedicated to Scottish Independence

The article reviews the main communicative and discursive characteristics of the texts published in political blogs by the supporters of Scottish independence; the author reveals the degree of how these characteristics impact the lexical and semantic features of the texts under analysis.

Auxiliary Communicative Units in Russian and the US Presidential Addresses

On the materials of the genre of Presidential Address to Federal Congress the article offers a comparison in functioning of auxiliary communicative units in Russian and American political discourse, and reveals the universal and specific characteristics of their usage in political leaders’ speech
