Izvestiya of Saratov University.
ISSN 1817-7115 (Print)
ISSN 2541-898X (Online)


Институциональная история литературы 1920-х годов: к постановке проблемы

В настоящем исследовании рассматриваются вопросы, связанные с изучением становления провинциальных ассоциаций пролетарских писателей в 1920-е гг. В работе проводится краткий обзор теоретических источников, посвященных истории литературных организаций. Обосновываются причины, препятствующие восстановлению исторических фактов ввиду недоступности или отсутствия источниковедческой базы, что затрудняет установление нередко как такового факта существования той или иной литературной ассоциации пролетарских писателей.

Forgotten names

This article evaluates the book dedicated to the work of Nikolai Korolkov. The authors of the review point out the necessity to expand the database of the sources with the help of the Moscow archives, they also suggest that the references to many available sources could help create a more holistic impression of the personality of the writer. Thus, the review of the work The city of roofs, deposited in the Russian State Archive of Literature and Art, has not been mentioned. The same archive holds other documents relevant for this topic.

The history of Saratov Association of Proletarian Writers: From the period of formation to the conflictThe history of Saratov Association of Proletarian Writers: From the period of formation to the conflict

The peculiarity of Saratov literary process of the 1920s is determined by the facts that the local budget was insufficient to implement cultural initiatives, by slow paperwork, and by the creeping pace of accomplishing cultural initiatives. At the time in question Saratov played the role of a buffer territory, where all public figures from the capital suspected of non-conformism were sent. Thus, people noticed to be politically pro-opposition and favoring formalism, were delegated to the provincial town.